KAP Weekend Retreat, 22 - 23 July, Portugal


KAP Weekend Retreat experience in Portugal with 2 KAP Facilitators from Europe!

Co-Facilitated by KAP Facilitators Alina Cristina & Pernilla

This KAP weekend retreat will happen in the magical place of Floresta Encantada in Sintra, Portugal, 35 mins from Lisbon city center in one of the most ancient forests of Europe. The yoga center receiving us is situated in the middle of the forest, with stunning views and nurturing facilities, maintaining the high energy container we are in.

I have done 2 KAP retreats in 2021 in Portugal in the same space and it was absolutely spectacular! You are in for a truly loving and deeply transformational experience.

We invite you to a life changing, 2-days KAP Weekend Immersion Retreat in Portugal this summer!

A 2-days KAP weekend immersion (4 classes) is a profoundly evolutionary life experience, where you get to experience all aspects of yourself, igniting your Soul’s wisdom, truth and beautiful essence, in connection with your entire inner cosmos and outer cosmos.

Benefits of the KAP weekend retreat include:

  1. Feeling deeply rejuvenated, renewed, lighter and connected to the Universal life force pulsating through you

  2. Mental clarity & lightness about important life decisions

  3. Emotional & mental breakthroughs

  4. Heightened creativity & insights received during each class

  5. Release of energetic blocks (physical, mental, emotional)

  6. Connection to Oneness and tapping into the non-dual field, the quantum field of all possibilities

  7. Deep rewiring and heart - brain coherence, which allows you to be living your life more often from the state of Connectedness

  8. Conscious & empowered choices in your life, aligned with your Soul

  9. Awakened intuition & inspired insights into your personal growth & wellbeing

  10. In love with life & with oneself

    The retreat includes 4 KAP classes (2 intensive classes daily) and it takes place in the beautiful space of Floresta Encantada yoga retreat center in Sintra, Portugal, where you will have access to a beautiful facility and most stunning views.

    It is going to be a beautiful immersive experience, of connection and deep alignment with your vitality, your truth, your joy and your elevated state of being, in gratitude and in deep collaboration with life and Mother Earth.

    We can’t wait for you to join us & experience the deeply transformational, 2022 KAP Weekend Immersion in Portugal !

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The KAP 2-Days Intensive retreat in the beautiful space of Floresta Encantada in Sintra, Portugal includes the following:

  • 4 KAP classes (Kundalini Activation Process), the signature energy method Alina & Pernilla have certified in together with master Venant Wong, over the space of 2 days. It is the number one, most profound experience Alina recommends to anyone looking to make deep, sustainable shifts in their life when it comes to connecting to their inner brilliance, creativity and genius and releasing anything that is no longer needed and holds them back. Ever since experiencing their first KAP workshops, Alina and Pernilla had the most profound shifts, openings, and heightened gifts come to their lives. While it is a path of surrender and humbleness, KAP is truly the path of inner mastery. Everyone’s experience of KAP is different yet the number one thing that is common to all has to do with profound, positive shifts and a more luminous, light-hearted and expanded way of interacting with life and consciousness. Come and experience KAP in this immersion weekend in Sintra, Portugal, it will be absolutely beautiful!

  • Vegan treats on Friday & Vegan treats on Saturday

Schedule for Day 1 of the KAP Weekend, Friday 22 July is:

14:00 - 19:00 : 2 KAP classes

Day 2, Saturday 23 July Schedule is:

11:00 - 17:00 2 KAP Classes

It is such a JOY and an Honour to be able to welcome you to this transformational 2-days KAP intensive, going deeper into connection to all life, surrender, beauty & expansion!

More about KAP & your KAP Weekend Immersion Guides, Alina Cristina & Pernilla:
KAP is a method of connection to Oneness and transmission of raw kundalini (life force energy), that activates in a safe and easy way your own body's natural ability to tap into healing, alignment with your Soul's callings, gifts and passions.

  • Alina Cristina Buteica has trained and certified with energy transmission master and founder of KAP, Venant Wong: https://www.venantwong.com/

    Alina is a KAP Facilitator, Quantum Evolution coach & mentor, Akashic Records Reader, feminine wisdom author, who after over 10 years in the corporate world, half of which in Africa (where she launched one of Africa’s largest leadership trainings academies for the first 1billion-dollars company on the continent), started travelling the world and re-ignited her childhood gifts and passions.

    She re-connected with and activated her inner Goddess, her radiancy, vibrancy and infinite love. KAP has been a large part of that build up of inner trust and the activation of my natural capacities.

    Since I was very young, I was a high empath and my senses were open to the subtler energies around me. I became certified in a variety of energy healing practices, KAP (Kundalini Activation Process), Access Consciousness (Access Bars), Akashic Records Readings, Reiki and Pranic Healing.

    My passion for a more balanced & healthy approach to life led me to launch Illuminated Essence, where I work with heart-led career women and creative entrepreneurs to help them transform any tendency to play small into an abundant life, aligned with their highest calling: https://www.illuminatedessence.life/

    My first book also went International Best Seller in 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Female.../dp/B07TW9MQPJ

  • Pernilla is a KAP-facilitator trained by the founder Venant Wong, she transmits raw kundalini life force. She is passionate about creating and holding a safe space for others to experience our most natural state of being, where we find so much peace and love.

    She is a yoga teacher, dedicated meditator and loves to dive deep in to consciousness.

    Pernilla is a mother of three and lives with her family in Sweden. She has a love for Portugal and spends several weeks here every year.

    ”For me KAP has been a life changing journey of surrendering, letting the divine energy flow in my body, expanding, opening up, going deeper within and connecting with source.

    Today I belive that we all really need this type of embodied practice where we get to tap in to our always present and peaceful state of being.”