The Magdalenes’ Immersion 2023

An online, summer immersion celebrating the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine, celebrating the New Earth Codes we are anchoring and celebrating your unique feminine essence & contribution in the world. The immersion also has Mary Magdalene as a beautiful, over-lighting Divine Feminine Guide, here to inspire in you love, leadership & accelerated personal growth

Mary Magdalene is celebrated every year, in the middle of summer, on the 22nd of July, yet there is so little still known about her real story, life and Divine Feminine legendary legacy in the world.

We are living in times when each of us is here to write their own legacy, their own contribution to the elevation of themselves, their community & for the greater good.

During 20 & 21st of July this year, we will be looking at some of the recently discovered sacred texts & channelings on Mary Magdalene, as a beautiful embodiment of the Goddess and we will be activating your own sacred, inner codes & Divine Feminine blueprint, so that you can live an authentic life, aligned with your heart’s highest callings and a life of ease, joy & abundance.

This, my love, is your sovereign birthright.

The Magdalenes’ Immersion happens over 2 days, 20 & 21 July and 4 Live Sessions:

20th of July:

Morning Session (10 am Portugal time):

  • Mary Magdalene as a beacon of heart-based leadership, her legacy and what she is here to remind us of today, as a beautiful Divine Feminine guide

  • Topic 1: Self Leadership & Collaborative Leadership

  • Activating your Divine Blueprint Meditation, for expressing your unique gifts in this lifetime

Afternoon Session (3 pm Portugal time):

  • Topic 2: Energetic Leadership: Priestess 101: How to protect your energy & clear your energy field of unwanted interferences

  • Womb & Throat (self expression) gentle Clearing & Blessing, for stepping into renewed creativity, sacred pleasure, purposeful living & self expression

21st of July:

Morning Session (10 am Portugal time):

  • Your Relationship to Yourself as the Holy Grail of your Evolution

  • Topic 3: Inner & Outer Union: Harmonizing the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine energies

  • Letting Inner Love infuse every aspect of your Life

Afternoon Session (3 pm Portugal time):

  • Theta Healing session for releasing all ways in which you play small & do not celebrate your authenticity

  • Topic 4: Financial Leadership & Abundant Living, guided meditation with Mary Magdalene to access higher abundance & embody your self worth

  • Your birthright to live in & Receive Love

The 4 Main Pillars the Immersion is built upon are:

  1. Self Leadership & Collaborative Leadership

  2. Energetic Leadership & simple yet profoundly beneficial Priestess practices to include in your daily life

  3. Love Leadership & the inner and outer union of the Feminine & Masculine

  4. Financial Leadership —> yes, we are here to live an empowered life as women, in all aspects and financial sovereignty and abundant living is an aspect that Mary Magdalene embodied and is a less known fact about her, yet wonderfully revealed in the Sophia Code, another sacred text recommended during & after this Immersion.

You will receive recordings to ALL sessions, in case you cannot be there live.

The Magdalenes’ Immersion is for you if:

  • You are on your own path of carving a life that feels deeply meaningful & fulfilling to you

  • You are here to be a modern day, heart-led leader, in any field you see yourself growing

  • You are feeling drawn to Mary Magdalene’s true story and her legacy as a Divine Feminine spiritual guide, even if you know very little about her

  • You love to grow individually and also in sisterhood, through leaps of inner love & elevation of consciousness, as it will happen during the space of this immersion

  • You are committed to no longer play small, in any area of your life —> and lovingly face what are the patterns you are ready to leave behind and be loving to yourself as you outgrow them

  • You are ready to own your brilliance, your innate worthiness & your Voice, while helping others do so too.

Your Host for the 2023 Magdalenes’ Immersion:

Alina Cristina Buteica

Alina is a sacred femininity & conscious leadership coach, as well as a celebrated feminine wisdom author. She is the creator of Illuminated Essence, Goddess Retreats and experiences, for women to step into their power, gifts and radiance.

She is honored to share more than 15 years of growth and insights with you, having transitioned from corporate life (in Africa and Europe) to entrepreneurship and working with hundreds of clients all across the world to help them reach a place of balance, inner mastery and expression of their gifts and leadership.

Alina’s own experience with burnout is what has formed her medicine and love of a holistic approach to life.

She combines mindset leadership coaching with her certifications as an energy healer in 7 different techniques: Breathwork, Theta Healing, KAP (Kundalini Activation Process), Akashic Records Readings, Access Consciousness, Reiki and Pranic Healing. She is a guardian of the sacred feminine codes and Goddess sacred knowledge, having been initiated in ancient Priestess Schools and created online and offline offerings for women to connect to and activate their inner feminine mastery & radiance.

I believe we live in times where the feminine and masculine energies are meant to come back into balance again and a great part of that will have to do with women owning their inner power, intuition, sacred gifts, mind-body-heart-Soul connection and expressing their voices in the world —> through projects, companies, collaborations and visionary offerings. The feminine energy is so nourishing, loving, wise and deeply needed in these times of transition for all of humanity.

Alina is also the co-author of the Amazon best selling book “Ignite Your Feminine Leadership” (2019).


Carmen Floris, USA

"Discovering your inner goddess involves exploring and embracing your feminine power, intuition, creativity, and spirituality; this course offered me the amazing opportunity to do this. I highly recommend it if you want to connect with your intuition, understand who you are and tap into your inner power and voice- discover your own feminine leadership story! Deeply grateful for the inspiring community and Alina's loving, precious teachings!"

Ana Paula Hur, Portugal

“Alina is a gifted healer and energy worker, in the session with her we transcended time and space. I highly recommend her sessions for an in-depth understanding of the soul’s journey and a deeper connection with oneself.”

Cristiana Alexandra Lupsea, Romania

„My experience with Alina was magic. It happened almost a week ago, but I can still feel that energy and presence. It was like coming home, to my own self. I felt love and acceptance. And from that moment on, the feeling stayed within me, and I only need to tap in, whenever I need it. The akashic reading performed by Alina gave me a sense of belonging, of my own worth, it helped me connect the pieces missing and I can honestly say that it forever changed my life. I feel now more confident, more aware of Who I really am. I feel the support of my Guides, my dear Tribe, it was such a blessing to get to know them and establish a connection with them. So, with all my heart, I recommend this journey. If you get to a point in your life where you need guidance and support, than taking this small but profound step with Alina can be exactly what you also need. Thank you. I am very grateful for this immense opportunity!”

Loes de Vreugd, The Netherlands

"By tapping into our powers we become the Queens that we are! I learned so much about how to move forward and cultivate the queen, inner lover and priestess within us. The course has weekly meditations to clear our energy and tap into new insights and possibilities. The modules are very well thought out and explained by Alina with great examples for better understanding. This course is set up to grow into your spiritual path and also use this into your professional carreer. By doing the assignments weekly you will tap into your life purpose and discover new ways to bring this out to the world. Very beautiful course, I recommend it highly!"

Upon your sign up to the 2023 Magdalenes’ Immersion, you will receive a beautiful gift, that is included:

A channeled poem (blessing poem) that I have received, for you, as I was writing the elements of the Immersion.

Poem is called: Poem to the Shekinah, Great Mother of All Life