Your journey begins when your heart calls you

When you are ready to stand up and let your inner Luminosity lead the way!


Would you like to open your intuitive channels and expand your personal growth exponentially?

Would you like to experience deep Soul-alignment as well as clarify your vision for your life & business?

Would you like to bring more depth, meaningful impact, revenue and opportunities to your business / career?

Then you are in the right place, at the right time.

There are several ways you can work with me. I invite you to carefully read through each of the bespoke, carefully crafted packages below and let yourself be silently drawn by the ones you most resonate with.


Akashic Records Readings

The Akashic Records refers to the library of consciousness, the higher dimensional field where the records of all Souls and all possible timelines are kept.

An Akashic Reading is a gateway into receiving your own Soul’s guidance as well as guidance from your own spiritual team of Guides. It is a deeply intimate connection to the higher aspects of you, your multi-dimensional self and a re-alignment to your Soul’s unique blueprint and divine, multi-purpose essence.

When is an Akashic Reading recommended:

  • For re-aligning yourself to your Soul’s highest essence, mission and Divine blueprint for this existence

  • For experiencing joy, clarity & empowerment, as people experience a renewed sense of self confidence, feel “charged up” and go further in the pursuit of their dreams and projects after a Reading

  • When you would like to quantum leap in your life, career/business and are facing important choices

  • When you are ready to grow your business, align it with its highest blueprint and identify untapped opportunities. You can read all about it HERE.

  • When you are ready to feel all the love, support and generous guidance from your team of spiritual Guides and learn how to be in contact with them yourself

The Reading is a 4h process, in which, following the protocol in which I have been certified, I first receive the downloads from your own Records (2h with your Records open) and then we have a 2h call. During the call, I open your Records again, sharing the knowledge received and you have the space to ask for any further information.

You can book a personal Reading HERE or a business Reading HERE.

Upon booking the session, I will reach out to you to schedule the call and you also benefit from a free 30-mins “Intro to Akashic Readings” pre-call with me.


Quantum Evolution coaching sessions

As a certified ICF coach (with 10+ years in leadership psychology) and certified energy therapist in 5 different modalities (KAP, Reiki, Access Consciousness/Access Bars, Akashic Records Readings, Pranic Healing) I bring the best of both worlds together.

In my 1h30mins Quantum Evolution coaching sessions I go straight into the eye of what is in need of most transformation in your life right now.

Through energy healing and mindset work, you are able to easily release the pattern of the limiting belief that has been holding you back (personal, ancestral or at the level of the collective you’re in) and take a quantum leap in terms of the way you engage with your immediate reality, from the inside out. That generates positive change and momentum in any area of your life that you choose to work on.

Areas my clients choose to work on range from relationship to self, to love relationships and relationship to money/abundance, as well as relationship to their own career.

Learn all about the Quantum Evolution sessions HERE.

“When you face ALL of you, you’ll notice the change. Your light will shine brighter than ever and your impact becomes contagious!”

Start your luminous relationship with yourself now