KAP Class Albufeira, Portugal (Kundalini Activation Process)


You are most welcome to join my KAP class in Shankara Yoga Studio in Albufeira, on Saturday 24th of February, between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm !

Date: Saturday, February 24th, between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Location: Shankara Yoga Studio, R. do Movimento das Forças Armadas 66A, Albufeira

It is a joy to be offering you this very special, 2024 KAP class in Albufeira!

KAP (Kundalini Activation Process) is a practice of surrender and activation of more of your life force energy, your latent potential. It is a transmission of both raw kundalini energy and of non-dual (Oneness) states of consciousness.

It is completely safe, you just lie down on a yoga mat and receive the transmission. Your body’s natural intelligence takes over and everybody has different experiences during the session, depending on where in their life they need an uplift & upgrade. Some people experience huge breakthroughs and personal realizations in just one session of KAP, others over a longer time period.

Benefits of regular KAP sessions, over time, include the following:

  1. Feeling deeply rejuvenated, renewed, lighter and connected to the Universal life force pulsating through you

  2. Mental clarity & lightness about important life decisions

  3. Emotional & mental breakthroughs

  4. Heightened creativity & insights received during each class

  5. Release of energetic blocks (physical, mental, emotional)

  6. Connection to Oneness and tapping into the non-dual field, the quantum field of all possibilities

  7. Deep rewiring and heart - brain coherence, which allows you to be living your life more often from the state of Connectedness

  8. Conscious & empowered choices in your life, aligned with your Soul

  9. Awakened intuition & inspired insights into your personal growth & wellbeing

  10. In love with life & with oneself

    The KAP class will happen in the beautiful space of Shankara - Centro Yoga BemEstar, Albufeira:
    R. do Movimento das Forças Armadas 66A, Albufeira.

    I look forward to welcoming you for this new KAP season in Portugal!

NOTE: No refunds available, only re-schedulings if you miss a class.

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Alina Cristina Buteica has trained and certified with energy transmission master and founder of KAP, Venant Wong: https://www.venantwong.com/

Alina is a KAP Facilitator, life & leadership coach, Akashic Records Reader and celebrated author, who after over 10 years in the corporate world, half of which in Africa (where she launched one of Africa’s largest leadership trainings academies for the first 1billion-dollars company on the continent), started travelling the world and re-ignited her childhood gifts and passions.

She re-connected with and activated her inner Goddess, her radiancy, vibrancy and infinite love. KAP has been a large part of that build up of inner trust and the activation of my natural capacities.

Since I was very young, I was a high empath and my senses were open to the subtler energies around me. I became certified in a variety of energy healing practices, KAP (Kundalini Activation Process), Access Consciousness (Access Bars), Akashic Records Readings, Reiki and Pranic Healing.

My passion for a more balanced & healthy approach to life led me to launch Illuminated Essence, where I work with heart-led career women and visionary entrepreneurs to help them transform any tendency to play small into an abundant life, aligned with their highest calling: https://www.illuminatedessence.life/

My first book also went International Best Seller in 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Female.../dp/B07TW9MQPJ