Inner Goddess School Ceremony: Releasing Grief


This is an invitation to a deeply nourishing online ceremony taking place this week, on Friday 3rd of November, between 10:00 am - 11:00 am Portugal time.

The Divine Feminine holds the sacred codes & keys of a life well lived, embracing all our emotions and recognizing them for what they are: e(nergy) in motion.

When faced with collective or individual grief, if not processed or allowed to move, to shift, to be let go of or alchemized —> it can linger in our system, producing imbalance and / or dis-ease.

So at times when the collective is like currently, being wildly shaken by war and conflict, it is often common to tap into that collective energy. Plus, our own individual sufferings and burdens seem a lot heavier and are a lot more accentuated and come to the surface.

We become acutely aware of “all the pain in the world”.

This 1h ceremony includes the following:

1) Opening, setting intentions & brief shares

2) Theta Healing grounding & releasing of grief meditation, in the Divine Plane

3) Rituals for self care & inner love & nourishment

Theta Healing is an energetic re-balancing method that deeply helped me, as well as so many of my clients on their path. I will guide you into a relaxed brainwave state (the “theta brainwave” state), where tangible changes can happen easily, as well as subconscious reprogramming. The beauty about Theta Healing is that the whole process happens in the divine plane.

I invite you to this beautiful, deeply healing, deeply empowering and inner & outer nourishment experience this autumn, especially in the midst of what is happening globally.

After this ceremony you will feel:

  • Lighter and more energized

  • More motivated and even inspired, as you have released a whole burden and created more space in your life

  • Grounded, more in balance & in peace with where you are

  • Inspired to take positive action

See you on Friday 3rd, between 1 pm - 2 pm Portugal time.

You will receive the Zoom link to join the call on the day of the call & after the registration.

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