Inner Goddess School Ceremony: Honoring & Blessing our Ancestors


You are invited to a beautiful, Inner Goddess School Ceremony on Friday November 10th, between 3 - 4 pm Portugal time, to honor & send blessings to our ancestors and our ancestral lineages, the ones who have passed.

End of October and beginning of November is a time for honoring ancestors and the lands, our connection to our forefathers and foremothers.

When we do not take time to honor our ancestors (much like in most Western civilizations, the connection to the ancestors has been severed), then our individual and collective psyche becomes unbalanced.

We then have a tendency to repeat old patterns, old histories and even, old, ancestral behaviours.

The purpose of this Inner Goddess School ceremony is to honor our healthy, wise & loving ancestors and send blessings & healing to the rest of the ancestors.

In this 1h ceremony you will learn:

  • The difference between the healthy and the less-than-healthy ancestors

  • We will do a Theta Healing meditation to bless & honor our ancestors, sending them love & asking for wise guidance

  • 2 simple rituals to stay grounded, protected, healthy and in your own energy

  • Why when we honor our ancestors, we do a great service to ourselves, our lineage, the future children, as well as the planet

The period between end of October and beginning of November is known in most cultures as a period to honor the ancestors and when the veils between worlds are thinner, so contact with ancestors can be more easily established and great blessings and healing can be done.

Join us in this beautiful, 10th of November 2023 ceremony!

You will receive the Zoom link to join the ceremony on the day of the call.

I so look forward to seeing you there,

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