Life Akashic Records Reading + 3 Quantum Evolution Coaching Sessions


This package includes the Akashic Records Reading, as well as 3 post-Reading integration, Quantum Evolution Coaching sessions, one 2 weeks after the Reading and the remaining ones every 2 weeks.

The Quantum Evolution 1-on-1 Coaching sessions include Coaching & Theta Healing, for releasing any limiting beliefs that may be in your way.
They are designed to help you apply on a practical level, in your life, the knowledge received from your Guides and through the Records. It makes the whole transition process much easier, assisting you to incorporate in an easy and down-to-Earth way the initial changes and re-alignments in your life.

The Akashic Records refers to the library of consciousness, the higher dimensional field where the records of all Souls and all possible timelines are kept.

An Akashic Reading is a gateway into receiving your own Soul’s guidance as well as guidance from your own spiritual team of Guides. It is a deeply intimate connection to the higher aspects of you, your multi-dimensional self and a re-alignment to your Soul’s unique blueprint and divine, multi-purpose essence.

When is an Akashic Reading recommended:

  • For re-aligning yourself to your Soul’s highest mission and callings, while acting from a place of peace, balance and harmony in your life. The Reading helps restore harmony and deep clarity with one’s Soul evolution.

  • For experiencing joy, clarity & empowerment, as people experience a renewed sense of self confidence, feel “charged up” and go further in the pursuit of their dreams and projects after a Reading

  • Whenever you are curious about certain aspects of your life, career/business and important choices

  • When you are at a crossroads and need to connect to your Soul’s essential wisdom, as well as the wisdom of your spiritual team of guides

  • When you are ready to feel all the love, support and generous guidance from your team of spiritual Guides and learn how to be in contact with them yourself

The Reading is a 4h process, in which, following the protocol in which I have been initiated, I first receive the downloads from your own Records (2h with your Records open) and then we have a 2h call, in which I have your Records open again, sharing the knowledge received and you have the space to ask for any further information.

Upon booking the session, I will reach out to you to schedule the call.

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