Exclusive, 3-months High Level Coaching, Mindset & Energy Mastery program


This is a unique and exclusive 3-months container for your personal expansion, particularly in the areas of the relationship to yourself & higher wellbeing, as well as in your career and business growth.

It includes:

  • One Akashic Records Reading in the beginning or at the end of the sessions

  • 7 High Level Coaching Sessions: Life & Business Coaching & Theta Healing sessions: release limiting beliefs (personal, societal and inter-generational) that may be hindering your growth ; Enacting the next level of your wellbeing & success in your life and career / business

  • 3 monthly Goddess activations, with Oshun (womb / fertility, Goddess of Love, Sensuality & Fertility), Mother Mary (for heart-based leadership & rising into your unique service in the world) and Green Tara (for higher life vision & self realization)

Main areas of focus for Relationship to self & wellbeing:

This will be a guided, step-by-step journey into empowering you to define how you want your relationship to yourself to evolve and grow, how you can achiever higher levels of inner peace, contentment, self love and joy in your life. We will be diving into mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, as well as your hobbies, passions, what makes you come alive and your feminine energy embodiment. I will be equipping you with tools and practices to constantly find and get back to your center, understanding the feminine energy cycles, as well as be able to replenish and live from overflow.
We will also be working on developing your intuition and connection to inner guidance, so that you can lead and show up from a place of centeredness in your feminine power and Soul guidance.

Main areas of focus for Business/Career & finances:
Guided journey to empower you to define how you see growth in this area in the next 5 years, whether in your job, next career move, and / or own business. We will be crafting the action steps and needed system of support to get you there with ease and grace and in a sustainable manner where you can at the same time enjoy work - life balance, avoiding pitfalls like stress and over-work.

From my own experience, the best answers in our life come forth when we learn to cultivate a sense of gratitude & inner joy, a sense of “I am worth it!” and a deep sense of self love, self compassion and investing in each of these main areas of our life.

And as your vision for each of them becomes clearer, through the processes I will take you through, as well as having me as an accountability partner for your action plan for each… and as you begin to weave and actually take aligned, inspired action in each of these areas —> that’s when you start seeing the external effects and your own energy and container for joy starts expanding & impacting others on a wider level too.

PARTNERING with me as a coach & mentor, as well as feminine leadership celebrated author, you actually get the best of several worlds, as my experience includes the following:

* 10+ years of leadership psychology and leadership development programs in the corporate field (in HR, Learning & Development)
* 6 years of ICF coaching
* Energetic Upgrades, Meditations & sacred feminine work. Am a certified practitioner in 6 energy therapies —> one of my client’s favourite tools have to do with the powerful energy clearing and activation meditations that I run for them
* Mindset coaching —> one of the most powerful tools, plus empowering you to start discerning and release limiting beliefs that you may be carrying in each of the above 5 main areas of your life that are trans-generational, cultural and societal, as well as experience-based.

*Theta Healing —> a wonderful meditation-based energy therapy for rapid release of limiting beliefs and receiving loving, empowering beliefs
* Akashic Records Readings, one of the processes I use in my 1-on-1 work with clients to develop their connection to their own spiritual guidance, intuition and connection to their own supportive team of guides.


  • This is for you if:

    · You’ve been feeling low on motivation and drive lately

· You have a habit of putting everyone else’s needs and career / family duty first

· You have realized the importance of being able to cater to your energy and needs as a woman, and that when you do so and when you live from a place of joy and inner peace à you can then impact everything and everyone around you: at work, at home and in every social interaction, you get to shine as the beautiful, divine woman you are! You get to live in your true essence and be your Gift to the world!

· There is nothing that makes you more happy than feeling that inner contentment when everything works smoothly around you and you also have time for yourself, to explore your femininity, what brings you joy and your passions

· You have new / big ambitions when it comes to how you see yourself rising in your career and / or business. You dream big and are ready to ACT big and put in the work, with ease and fun!

· You know that there is a better way of functioning, where there is more balance that you can bring to your life and a holistic way of living, where you feel a sense of joy & inspiration in all categories of your life. You know and crave that.

· You feel that life is meant to be rich, FULL and to be enjoyed! We are here to also enjoy this richness, when we make time for travel and experiences that inspire our senses / aspirations and dreams. And that is all possible when you pause and make the needed changes.

· You know that you can establish some healthy routines in your life that will give you the freedom to experience more of that joy and sense of wellbeing. And you are ready to commit to this 5-months journey of elevation, in the 5 different dimensions of your life we will be looking at. This is a complete journey of & inner – outer growth and it will reflect in all the above areas of your life.


BENEFITS of the 3 months High Level Mentorship journey include:

* Reaching higher than ever levels of peace, joy, contentment and ease in your life, in all the key essential areas of your life we will be working on during the 3 months
* Gaining clarity on your vision, as well as gaining momentum on each of your heart’s earnest wishes and desires, as you take guided action, with the support of myself as a friend and mentor
* Finding grounded-ness, centeredness and empowerment as a woman. A deep inner sense of trust and contentment with your path and your journey
* Feeling alive, joyful, inspired and deeply supported as you journey through bringing your visions to fruition. Not from a sense of stress, but from a sense of ease, peace and inner knowing.
* A deeper than ever sense of belonging as you will be able to deepen the relationships you truly want to nurture in your life and that are most important to you
* Accountability! Having me as well as an accountability partner on taking aligned, inspired action on your dreams, while at the same time, having a reflection pod and trusted environment where you can just be you. :)
* Cultivating a truly holistic lifestyle, that honors you and your needs of evolution, while you step by step take your dreams and aspirations and turn them into tangible steps and aligned actions.

I am known for making what seemingly appears to be out of reach or too far… possible!

My method and unique mentoring style is deeply based on love and self love, which is the foundation for everything I have managed to build and am building in my life and career, working with people from diverse backgrounds and bringing that safety, transparency and feeling of presence, nurture and love, knowing that you are held no matter what and through everything.

I do hope you choose this journey as a wonderful gift to yourself and to your future, in 2024!

Here’s to living an inspired life, as the miracle it truly is… and the miracle you truly are!
With so much love,
Alina Cristina.

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