How Goddess Circles can be deeply healing & empowering

Last Sunday, 3 / 3 (3 March), in the powerful manifestation window of the sacred 33 number, I hosted my first, in-person Goddess Circle of 2024 in Portugal.

33 in numerology is a master number, symbolizing harmonious & caring energy, as well as the importance of caring for others & fostering unity.

Everything aligned super quickly for the first women’s circle of the year to happen on this date: the yoga shala, in the middle of Sintra, surrounded by the lush and generous forest and overlooking the castles in the area was ONLY available on 3 / 3 when I checked. I immediately said a heart felt YES, despite the considerable rental costs as this was the most beautiful & nurturing location I could have wished for, for a Goddess Circle.

What is a Goddess circle, you may ask:

  1. It is a safe space for women to let go of any conventions and just BE themselves… with all of their ups and downs, all of their life spirals, all of their beautiful, glorious, Divinely blessed humane-ness.

  2. It is a safe & deeply loving space where we can let go of the societal burden of constant “performing” and we can get back to our softness, the original innocence of our hearts (unconditional love) and our wombs (power of creation & aligned manifestation) and we can be seen & lovingly held, in all our vulnerability.

  3. It is a space for Miracles too: we lovingly hold & encourage each other, we celebrate each other’s successes. And we lift each other up when we are down

  4. It is a space for co-creating empowered sisterhood and moving past the old, societal paradigm of women competing against each other (also known as the “sisterhood wound”).

  5. It is a space where we welcome also, through the healing Goddess meditations that I am guiding, every month, connection to beautiful Divine Feminine ascended masters, Goddesses from all cultures that are here to empower us and to help us heal some of our deepest wounds.

  6. Very importantly, it is a space for self expression, where all parts of us as a woman are welcome and blessed, all of our gifts and talents.

A woman in her full power is an unstoppable force of Nature.

That is why, this month, the theme of the first, in-person Goddess Circle of the year was “Connecting to your Inner Power (Warioress archetype)” and we journeyed through healing meditations and circle shares with the Goddesses of Power: Sekhmet (Egyptian lion-headed Goddess of healing), Durga (Hindu Goddess Warrioress & Mother Nurturer) and Cynthia (patron saint of the town where we held our circle, Sintra, which takes its name from the Celtic Goddess of the Moon, Cynthia, a nature wild woman and Goddess).

It was deeply moving & inspiring to witness the beauty & depth of the shares in the circle and we all opened our hearts so wide and welcomed in the fresh changes that spring is bringing.

Coincidentally (or not, should I say rather synchronistically;), the first Goddess Circle happened in March, which according to the ancient European indigenous peoples (like the Celts, Dacians and many others) used to be the 1st Month of the Year.

March is still celebrated by indigenous peoples across the world who follow the Natural Calendar (the wheel of the year, which aligns to the seasons of the Earth) as the 1st Month of the Year.

So I wish you a beautiful month of March & I invite you, in case you are not in Portugal, to join our upcoming Goddess Revealed Retreat on 26 - 28 April 2024 in the gorgeous, sunny town of Cascais, HERE.

3 days of Sacred Feminine journey in the Heart of Portugal:

  1. Connection to Divine Feminine Guides & activations: Mother Earth, for grounding & abundance; Isis, the Goddess of Alchemy & Fertility, Mother Mary for Heart openness, And Mary Magdalene for self love & stepping into your bigger purpose

  2. Goddess embodiment practices, sacred dance & self expression

  3. Grounding & Theta Healing meditation for releasing limiting beliefs about oneself

  4. KAP (Kundalini Activation Process) session

  5. Yoga Classes in the morning

  6. Voice (self expression) activations, as well as womb, Heart & 3rd eye activations

  7. Daily Goddess Circle & shares

  8. Trip to mystical sites nearby our retreat center: Sintra palace

  9. Lush ocean swims and ocean ritual, Divine Feminine Activation for fertility & abundance

The Goddess Revealed Retreat brings a wealth of benefits to the ladies joining, including:

  • Standing in your feminine power

  • Feeling liberated and free, trusting in your body, your intuition and your connection to all of life

  • Learning how to tune in to your intuition & receive higher messages on your path

  • Developing a closer connection to beautiful, Divine Feminine guides: Mother Earth, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene

  • Living from your sensual flow

  • Feel fresher, more grounded and more alive in your body (more life force energy moving through you)

  • Connected to yourself and your gifts

  • Sisterhood connection

  • Feeling re-energized, juicy and tapped into your feminine powers

  • Laughter & joy, surrounded by a tribe of like-hearted sisters

  • Connected to your own self love, self worth & living from the heart

Goddess Circle on 3 March in Sintra, Portugal

A power house group of women from all over the world got together on 3 / 3 to welcome in spring: sacred Goddess meditations, circle shares and inner power exercises, feminine embodiment dance